flower guild ministry

The Flower Guild

The flower guild creates flower arrangements that add natural beauty to our worship space for services, and give you to those who receive the flowers afterwards. Adults, youth and accompanying children are all invited to serve. It is the responsibility and privilege of the Flower Guild to tend to the beauty and peace that surrounds our worship services and sacred space. Flowers are a reminder of "Creation" and the beauty of all things living; an important reminder that we are all created beautiful in the eyes of God, and so we assist in making our church an example of that beauty. Anyone interested in joining is welcome. Training and shadowing is provided. Contact the Flower Guild Chair, Cindy Pickerel at flowers@holycomforterchurch.net for more information.

Goal of the Flower Guild

To enhance liturgical celebrations through the enrichment of the environment within the sanctuary and surrounding area. The use of floral and seasonal arrangements are coordinated with the natural seasons of the year and the Episcopal liturgical calendar.

Duties of Flower Guild Volunteers

  • Prepare the sanctuary arrangements for the Sunday worship service.

  • Prepare a small table arrangement for Maglaras Hall if there will be a parish gathering between services.

  • Return flowers to the cooler after last service.

  • Check tubs in cooler for unusable flowers or foliage; put in fresh water.

  • Notify/take a picture of what is available for the coming week and send to the upcoming FG arranger.

  • Check the plants in Maglaras Hall for watering.Flower Donations

Flower donations may be given for any Sunday as a gift of celebration, thanksgiving or memorial. The suggested minimum donation for Sunday flowers is $50-$100. Donations will be acknowledged in the service bulletin. An individual wishing to give flowers should do so by contacting Cindy Pickerel at flowers@holycomforterchurch.net to arrange for the flower arrangement at least two weeks in advance. Flower gifts are also given for Christmas, Valentines, Easter and Mother’s Day. Please be sure to mail your payment to Melinda in the office.